Blue Hibou Signature Carriers

Blue Hibou Signature Carriers are what comfortable babywearing is all about! Every attention to detail has gone into the design, ensuring a comfy ride for both passenger and the wearer. Blue Hibou has chosen these styles to put her own 'Stamp' on the babywearing world. They are each unique in their own way!

Blue Hibou Signature Buckle Carrier.

Blue Hibou Signature Buckle Carrier.

Signature Buckle Carrier

Blue Hibou Signature Buckle Carriers are created with the ultimate comfort in mind for both caregiver and baby. Each one is made with the uniquely styled Blue Hibou Panel, slightly contoured for air to flow between bodies, helping to keep everyone as cool as possible. Seat darts and generous Leg-Out Padding are included on each carrier to amplify comfort for your passenger. 


Blue Hibou Signature Ring Waist Carrier

Blue Hibou Signature Ring Waist Carrier

Signature Ring Waist Carrier (Reverse Half Buckle)

Following in the same fashion as the Signature Buckle Carrier, the Ring Waist is created with the comfort of both the caregiver and baby in mind. With one very special change, the Blue Hibou Signature Ring Waistband. Unequivocally the most comfortable waistband you'll ever encounter in a Soft Sided Carrier. Again, each carrier has the Blue Hibou Panel, Seat Darts, and generous Leg-Out Padding included, providing the same comfort you rely on for your passenger, with the best waistband ever for the wearer!

Blue Hibou Signature Lambou Reverse Onbuhimo

Blue Hibou Signature Lambou Reverse Onbuhimo

Signature Lambou Reverse Onbuhimo

The original version of the Blue Hibou Reverse Onbuhimo was dubbed the 'Kenbu', arriving on the conversion scene in mid 2014. The Lambou was developed in 2016, a collaboration with 2Lambie, a true combination between two carrier designers and two carrier designs. 

Signature Mei Dai

Blue Hibou Signature Meh Dai Carriers are created with the ultimate comfort in mind for both caregiver and baby. Each one is made with the uniquely styled Blue Hibou Panel, slightly contoured for air to flow between bodies, helping to keep everyone as cool as possible. Seat darts and generous Leg-Out Padding are included on each carrier to amplify comfort for your passenger. 

Blue Hibou Plume Carrier

Blue Hibou Plume Carrier

Plume Carrier

The ‘Plume’ Carrier is a mesh panel carrier, available with a Buckle Waistband or a Ring Waistband. This was created with further comfort in mind for warmer climates, the mesh panel is specially designed to create a ‘seat’ area for your baby without the use of seat darts. The panel maintains the uniquely contoured design of all Blue Hibou carriers, further enhancing the cooling effect for you and your passenger. Generous Leg-Out Padding is included on each carrier for the comfort for your passenger.